2 min readNov 11, 2023
Saed Class @Nysc Orientation Camp

Skills Acquisition & Entreprenuership Department (SAED) ... The Department is headed by a Director and is made up of two divisions namely:
- Skills Acquisition Division
- Entreprenuership Empowerment Division
Functions of the department include:
- Sensitize and mobilize 200, 000 young graduates for skill acquisition annually
- Facilitate the training and mentoring of 100, 000 young graduates in skill acquisition and entrepreneurship development for self-reliance annually
- Promote public-private partnership for entrepreneurship development and self-reliance amongst Nigerian youths
- Promote documentation and sharing of best practices on youth empowerment in Nigeria
- Support evidence-driven advocacy efforts for favorable policies on youth empowerment in Nigeria
- Sensitization and mobilization of corps members for enrollment into the skill acquisition and entrepreneurship development program
- Development of a standard curriculum for the in-camp skill acqusition exercise
- Identification of organizations at state level to provide training and mentoring in specific skills sets
- Attachment of the corps members to the various organizations for skill acquisition and entrepreneurship development
- On-going monitoring and supervision of trainee corps members
- Facilitate access to available funding opportunities